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Vegas locals on Zilvia
14 2 4 0
04:08 AM
If you own a BMW, your in. 2002, or e92, its all good. So... What do you have?
6 2 4 0
11:49 PM
For those who prefer hardtop S-Chassis's over leaky unreliable sunroof models. We also laugh at convertibles, why even bother? AMIRITE? Hardtop owners only! http://zilvia.net/f/chat/465700-thc-hardtop-coalition.html
70 1 3 0
09:10 AM
anyone who owns a nissan rear wheel drive, and would like to share their interest in cars, parts, talents, barter, or anything that has to do with nissan and drifting....
18 0 0 0
12:49 PM
This is the newest 240sx group in the 757.. If you wanna join let me know post a comment.. I am just getting into the 240sx stuff. i had a honda and i wanted something with more power and rear wheel drive... So i traded my civic for a 240sx... my dream car was a skyline.. but funds are very limited so got this... Here in the 240sx brotherhood we help out and lend a hand to our groupmates.. and if they need something we can offer to chip in and help get it for the person.. So join up show that 240sx people are way better then these honda group here in the 757.. Cause im really tired of them thinking they got real power lol...
3 2 2 0
10:28 AM
A group of individuals dedicated to the S13.5 conversion. Only for those who are willing to do or have already done the conversion correctly will be invited. Fastbacks only.
12 0 0 1
Track only drift team hosting regular events for the public as well as private track days . *for all guests, friends and Thurs. Knight Team members.
31 152 322 0
06:56 AM
If you own a S-Chassis/Z-Chassis......Are From Nor-Cal......And slide..... When posting please put your city, year, body, and motor..... lets make the Nor-Cal Drifting community alittle more friendly and well known
24 1 18 0
05:16 PM
626DRIFT CREW Southern California
48 1 13 1
01:17 PM
You know whats up.
51 1 31 6
01:45 PM
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