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Old 06-19-2012, 12:36 PM   #66
Zilvia Member
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tx240ss is an unknown quantity at this point
obama is trampling on the constitution... there is a executive, judicial, and legislative branch and they each have their powers... it's checks and balances... obama is using his executive powers to create new laws ( not his job)... his job is to protect the constitution (as per the oath of office) and uphold the laws of the land... He is making law... in this election year all he's trying to do is create a million new voters for him and his cronies.
Wake up America... Obama is destroying this country... VOTE ABO...Anybody but Obama...


Obama care will destroy our healthcare system
Obama's spending plans will bankrupt this country
Obama has no concept of foreign policy
Obama has appointed 27 new Czars... unelected officials to run our lives
Obama's energy program is a joke... billions in lost money in green (solar) industries and a hatred of nuclear, coal, oil and gas.... Windmills forever!!
Obama is a socialist by education, never had a real job, faked his college records, smoked dope throughout school, and still has not proved he is fit for office by birth.
Our military is at an all time low in morale, funding, and support... and they are all that keep us from being overrun by the Arabs, or hell , even the French!!Hell, he doesn't even know how to salute the Flag... he does the crotch salute... protecting his balls is more important than respecting our military or the American Flag.
We have no immigration policy.. first a fence, then no money for a fence, now we have cameras that they wave to on the way in.
We have no states rights... Arizonia can't even defend its borders from foreign invasion.
Obama has no economic policy... worst economy ever.. lies about unemployment numbers, lies about gdp numbers, lies about exports... anti-business record... wants the only growth industry to be the growth of government..
Trying to take god out of schools, monetary, etc, cuz as a Muslim he has non-christian views...

and the list goes on.
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