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Old 12-02-2009, 11:54 AM   #71
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Originally Posted by HalveBlue View Post
I've never heard of the Adhan broadcast on public PA outside of the Islamic countries. Actually, wait, I think there may be a mosque in Paris that does it. But don't quote me on that.

In any case, all the mosques in Switzerland broadcast the Adhan indoors. That's a fact.

Also, as odd as this sounds, I actually have lived next-door to a mosque before.

I can think for worse things to live next door to.

Like: airports, nuclear power plants, prisons, hosptials, oil refinaries, freeways, or ore smelters.

As far as I'm concerned, I don't really give a flying fuck if I live next to a church, synagogue, temple, or a mosque. Or any other house of worship.

But that's all neither here nor there.

Your posts illustrate an underlying current of xenophobia, ignorance, anger, and a lack of logic.

Your education regarding Islam, the Middle East, and Europe is severely lacking.

For one, you seem to link every Muslim with some crazy Wahhabist extremist or Shi'ite fundamentalist. Although I doubt very much that you know what the distinction between the two is, not to mention their respective histories.

At the same time you failed to recognize that the majority of the 400,000 Muslims in Switzerland are war refugees from Bosnia and Kosovo.

If you were informed, you'd know that Balkan Muslims share a culturally distinct history from the Arab, Sunni Arab Muslims, as well as the Iranian Shi'a Muslims, a composite of which you seem to base your Muslim-terrorist caricature on.

Nobody every denied that there are extremist individuals and groups within the Muslim community. You can find those in every religious/social/cultural demographic.

But your fantasy that all Muslims are expansionist, totalitarian, intolerant, despots that must be stopped before they overrun the rest of the world is inaccurate, misguided, ridiculous, and offensive.

If you want I can find you pictures and video of the the loud speakers from all over the world.

The difference with airports, race tracks, and the like is that people tend to encroach on them. Seldom do you see a prison pop up in suburbia. I have no problem with a mosque being near my house. In fact there is one with in walking distance from me. My problem is with the towers blasting prayer over loud speakers.

I wouldn't characterize myself as any of what you said. I lived in Europe for 5 years and feel like I have a pretty good understanding of the people there. I also strive to know and understand more about people from all over the world.

I will say the vast majority of Muslims I have met that aren't Black or Asian have been pretty nutty when it comes to religious devotion, but that is just my opinion. I know where the Muslims in Europe are from. My mom actually spent a year in Hungry during the Bosnia peace keeping. I know all about how they were oppressed by the Austro-Hungarians and that they are more or less a Slavic people. The Arab cultural roots in Islam have over taken much of their own culture.

You assumed a lot about me and based off an internet forum at that. Now that is hilarious.
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