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Old 04-10-2010, 04:44 AM   #52
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Originally Posted by theicecreamdan View Post
What "good stuff" is the media deliberately leaving out?
the shcools, hospitals, libraries we build. for the first time in their lifetime they can express themselves without fear of tortue or prison. kids playing in the street because they don't have to fear the i.e.d.'s set by insurgents. i'm not sure if you understand how it works but pretty much patrols get launched and we check the quality of life and help the people. donate food, toys, school supplies, medical stuff. at the same time we're looking for insurgents, the people love having us there because if their is military coming through neighborhoods daily that means little to know insurgent activity...which again unfolds into kids having a normal childhood and people not afraid to leave their house. they dont have to live in fear of a group of terrorists coming into their home in the middle of the night taking their son to force to be an i.e.d layer or bomber. the media doesnt portray this, they portray the 2% of the people or protests that were loyal to saddam and don't want us there or the FEW times a fuck up on our part occurs. BUT you guys already new this right? ps, i dont think we should have invaded iraq, yeah their lives are better but their are other places we should have been (afghan, rwanda,darfur, etc.) their is no doubt in my mind iraq was invaded for the wrong reasons BUT we did help the people out and as a result of the ill intentioned invasion, the iraqis have a wayyyyyyyyy better life now. so in the end, fuck it, at least one country is better off now.

just because boot camps are designed to "condition" recruits it doesn't work all the time. only easily impressioned, weak minded people fall into that g.i. joe killing is awesome bullshit. we in the marine corps call them motards (motovation+retards). please don't group me into that category. i sport an anti-flag tattoo, believe 9/11 was an inside job, and am pretty fucking liberal on ALOT of issues. i don't stereotype the people in this thread and i would appreciate the same in return.
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