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Old 04-08-2012, 11:12 PM   #142
redline racer510
Zilvia FREAK!
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redline racer510 is on the path to ruinredline racer510 is on the path to ruin
This crap has gone too far. When people are being threatened or hurt all because you feel emotional about some kids death, you know it has gone too far. F*ck Sharpton and Jesse, I'm sure they mean well but when they speak in public they add more fuel to the media fire and have blown this incident waaaaaayyyyyyy out of proportion. People die from unjust reasons all the time, hell my cousin died 2 years ago because some thug "thought" it was some guy he knew. It isn't fair that Trayvon died because he looked like a thug but that's part of life and shit happens. Things do happen at the right/wrong time and place and I'm sure all of us have had these moments. Playing the race card is a cheap excuse for not being able to justify things and is pretty lame in my eyes. The fact that Sharpton and Jesse only come out of hiding when things like this happen show how they sadistically feed off of other peoples unfortunate incidents to make themselves gain more respect and fame from the public. When was the last time you saw any one of these men come out and protest and make speeches when a person of another race has been wrongfully killed, that's right never. They are hypocrites of racial equality and only do the things they do to benefit themselves. True fighters for truth and justice do so when all of the evidence makes it pretty clear that the victim was innocent, not jumping to conclusion and acting on no basis. The Reverend may want to quote the famous John 8:7 "Let him without sinn cast the first stone".
WARNING: User has a low tolerance for stupidity. Post at your own risk.
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