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Old 10-21-2012, 05:13 PM   #104
Zilvia Junkie
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terrence is not welcome here anymoreterrence is not welcome here anymoreterrence is not welcome here anymoreterrence is not welcome here anymoreterrence is not welcome here anymoreterrence is not welcome here anymoreterrence is not welcome here anymoreterrence is not welcome here anymoreterrence is not welcome here anymoreterrence is not welcome here anymoreterrence is not welcome here anymore
Originally Posted by Corbic View Post
Got any proof to counter that? All I know is that all the Governments in the world that have ever rejected religion as an institution and officially embraced atheistic views are the perpetrators of the greatest human tragedies in the history of humanity.

All your bitching about 11th Century Crusades and gay marriage can't even begin to scratch the surface.

Actually in a world devoid of religion mariage would not exist, it's illogical. So the argument about gay marriage is idiotic.
Wow, ok; I am an atheist, I do not commit genocide.

What is atheistic values? All atheism is, is the lack of belief in a deity.

Religion has hindered humanity since its conception, violence is just one of many atrocities brought on by the blind faith of religious followers. Rejection of science facts, execution and prosecution of non-believers, people who speak against the church, believe in other religions or don't fall within their own moral construct all suffer from religion.

Marriage is nothing more than a line on a tax form and the customs of traditional marriage differ from culture to culture. I'm not gay, nor am I a christian so I could care less on the matter of gay marriage.

Originally Posted by Corbic View Post
Pretty easily.

1. Embrace Science as the only basis of logic, morals and ethics. Natural Selection, Survival and Advancement is all that maters.

2. Security, Rights and Protections come directly from the Government and are guarantied only as far as the Government allows.

3. If it makes logical sense - it is the most moral choice.

So, would you advocate rounding up all the people with Aids in the world and then euthanizing them? No no more infected people the diese will be eradicated - generation after generation will know a life free of this blight. It is the most logical thing you can do...
Ok, science is not a religion or a way of life. It is the method to which you test explanations and predictions based on observations of our universe. It is based on reason and logic. It has NOTHING to do with morals or ethics. It is just a system to build an understanding of our surroundings. Morals and ethics are and should be formed through society and common vote; or as you may prefer intelligent design.

I hate religion. I think it is a terrible way to comfort the weak and ignorant. But, I would never prohibit or prevent someone from doing or believing whatever they want as long as it does not interfere with my life. An atheistic president should do the same, obviously I cannot speak for everyone; but you make it out to be that everyone who denies there is a deity will be a genocidal maniac if put in a position of power.

All of the examples of atheist leaders you gave came from a suppressive nation that had no say in their leaders in power. Most leaders that come from countries with absolute control over the country tend to lean towards crazy regardless of beliefs.
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