Thread: CGI hosting
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Old 11-23-2001, 04:32 AM   #1
Posts: n/a
Who's server/service is using? I'm wondering because I'm looking for a place to run CGI scripts for my site. I've just started moving my site over to, which is being hosted by One of the problems I've always had is that I have no place to host CGI scripts. I used to have a message board (which was basically a forum with 1 thread only) where the user can choose a text color and an image to go with the message. Here I'll just show you: Danzeth Studio Lounge. It no longer works because the server admin changed some settings and I don't have access to the cgi-bin thing. <img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':('> As you can see in there, the last message was posted in 1999. Well for my site, I'd like to get it (or something similar) working again. It was the best part of my site and the only interactive part. offers CGI service but it has a high monthly fee. My site has so little traffic that paying that fee is really not worthwhile. Does anyone know of a place that lets you host CGI scripts for a very low cost? Or does anyone here run a server and would be willing to host a CGI script which would be accessed only a few time a day at most? :confused: I'd really appreciate the help.
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