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Old 08-03-2015, 05:16 PM   #48
Join Date: Aug 2009
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Originally Posted by stevenrapids View Post
GTFO with that shit. Your post in the off topic section was ignorant enough.
Lol. Stop taking pictures of your ugly ass on instagram. What are you a high schooler? Trust me I am wiser and smarter than you ever will be in this life.

Originally Posted by Mofuhcka View Post
Glad you got the bammer for that, you dont know the shit we go through, especially ignorant assholes like you.
LOL. Like i give a fuck if i get banned. The shit you go through? Tell me. What have you gone through? lol.


Fuck Police. If I can stop one person from becoming a police officer than I have done a good thing.

So you say why does this person hate police so much? Well first of all most people hate the police. Literally 85% of the population, and that is a generous estimate toward the police, have negative view of the police. The only people that really like police officers are themselves and their family. My career also doesn't help.

Police officers are hated because they always shit all over the Bill of Rights; one of the most important documents ever produced by this country. With the Bill of Rights, American citizens rights were protected (supposedly).

It is a bad thing to infringe on someone's rights; its a lot worse when that person who is infringing on someone's right with a badge and a gun; and its the worst when the person who is infringing on someone's right with a badge and a gun is an ignorant fool with no education. And that may be where the fault lies. The criteria to be a police officer is too easy. Too many high school educated idiots that are angry at the world finding themselves in a position of power.

Also, Police officers feel and act as if they are above the law. Running red lights, making illegal turns, and just treating citizens like shit in general. To have the respect of the people, one really has to lead by example. Breaking the very laws that one is meant to enforce is just out right retarded, and makes your department look like a joke.

Also, think about this; "Police officers" are responsible for a lot of genocides world wide. Would Hitler have been able to rise to power and mass murder the Jews without the help of the Gestapo? Would Mao Ze Dong be able to mass murder people without the help or the Red Guards? Would Stalin have been able to purge his country without the NKVD? These so called "Police Officers" are responsible for the deaths of millions of people.

But you might say, hey there are some good police officers! And yes, of course there are. But there were some good Nazis. Does that make the Nazi a good organization? Of course not.

At the end of the day, in any era on this planet, police officers have always been viewed by the common man as an oppressor; the guard dogs of the tyrannical government.
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