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Old 08-19-2019, 11:42 AM   #144
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Originally Posted by exitspeed View Post
You’re missing the point. Trump won before with less than 10% of the black vote. If he is anywhere near 30% (because people are getting real woke) with the black vote come next year that will be yuuuge. A 5% increase would be significant.
Exactly, the "worse then racist" President is polling stronger then Bush, McCain or Romulon.

It shows two things:

A. We have an increasing number of Black Americans that realize rich white liberals don't have their best interest in mind. Black's are just props for the #victim crowd and mindless votes for the elite.

B. The Economy. Blacks have had a record comeback from the last 12 years. The Obama Utopia did little to move the needle. Contrast that with the DNC promising free green cards and health care to illegal aliens - which does zilch to help struggling black communities or build upon black success.

I don't think the average black man gives a shit that T$ grabs them bitches by the pussy as long as he's getting salary increases and overtime letting him put food on the table. We'll leave that to the Vox Bloggers to rage about.
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