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Old 11-10-2020, 10:17 AM   #2912
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Originally Posted by RalliartRsX View Post
No offense, but you obviously did not read my post

Mitch McConnell is calling for this idea of "LEGAL VOTES"
Bill Barr--->same rhetoric
Lindsay Graham - same shit
Brian Kemp - Same shit

Those are all VERY prominent republicans......

So tell me again, is it really only trump yelling at the clouds??

And no, I am not the one they need to convince. I am well aware. BUT that is the issue; why are we willfully trying to convince folks on the right of something which isn't even remotely true WITHOUT evidence??

If they had the evidence, I promise you, they would be waving the shit as high as possible on the tallest flag poll out there.

You don't scream "wolf" without the actual wolf....

trump and his team are 0/10 in court cases. I even posted a pic of one of the rulings above. They can't even get the initial filings correct.

This just seems like a scare tactic to rile up the base to make sure the gop keeps in control of of various key state races.....

I did read your post. You have Republicans backing only trump...that is all. They are sayn voter/ballot fraud...wouldnt that consist of the ENTIRE BALLOT?

I would say go after the big fish and u get the small ones along the way.

We are both on the outside looking in. We can only assume from our biased postions

Your court paper u posted showed multiple issuse why the filing was rejected..with out pulln it back up wasnt lack of proper evidence the last one on the list?

Again. None of us outside trump and his legal team truly know what proof, if any they truly have.

Im not a conspiracy theoriest, or clam this is inside bullshit, but im gonna sit back and watch in unfold.
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