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Old 06-02-2023, 04:14 PM   #753
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feito is not welcome here anymorefeito is not welcome here anymorefeito is not welcome here anymorefeito is not welcome here anymorefeito is not welcome here anymorefeito is not welcome here anymorefeito is not welcome here anymorefeito is not welcome here anymorefeito is not welcome here anymorefeito is not welcome here anymorefeito is not welcome here anymore
Originally Posted by deolio View Post
Go back to your conspiracy cavern.
25 years ago you would have said the same if I told you that the left was working on bills that allow schools to aid their underage students in gender transition. You would have said the same (i hope) if I told you that mentally ill people are being encourage to go read stories to kids in school.
you would probably have said the same thing if I told you that the left is introducing bills that allow people to steal up to 1k without consequences.

Originally Posted by KA24DESOneThree View Post
No, it hasn't been "that way since forever." Americans weren't openly hostile to scientific institutions in the 1950s and 1960s.

There is no forcing of LGBTQIA+ people into schools- they've been at schools, just closeted or busy getting beaten up. Or, you know, killing themselves because they can't be who they are and because there was no greener grass.

The "funny" thing about pedophilia is the number of men of the cloth, and heterosexual, cisgender men, who are wrapped up in it. You think pedophiles come dressed in a rainbow flag but they're more likely to come wrapped in a cross or a thin blue line flag.

How many billions has the Catholic church paid for sex scandals? Hell, two of my clients are incredibly wealthy because they received eight-figure payouts after abuse by "straight" "religious" men. The money's nice, but being able to actually afford good therapy is nicer. Plenty of kids don't get that because their abusers are protected by powerful churches or family units.

A man who groomed girls and dated them when they were teenagers was also my private Christian school vice-principal. The teen who sexually assaulted one of my high-school friends when she was six years old has a family now and is listed on his church's website, helping run bible school.

A former Trump Commerce Department official and ex-employee of Turning Point USA was sentenced to more than five years in jail for child pornography. Turning Point USA's Pastors Summit was sponsored by a company run by a registered sex offender who "served time in federal prison for attempted coercion and enticement after trying to persuade a female juvenile to engage in sexual activity."

When confronted with this, Turning Point USA said, "One of the core tenets of the Christian faith is forgiveness rooted in repentance." Do you believe that a conservative company, one that has taken a "stand" against child sex predators, is right in its belief that pedophiles/ephebophiles deserve forgiveness?

Is that belief that echoed here: ? No. Do you know why? Because Turning Point USA is manipulating its viewers. Those to the left of them are "groomers," not those they hire or those they accept money from- those (conservative) people deserve forgiveness and repentance.

You speak of a moral compass but the politicians with whom you align hurt children. They scrap environmental laws and gut welfare funding. They rip families apart at the border or because of some ridiculous thought that the State knows best. They ban books not because they're detrimental but because of a culture war. They remove sex ed and force kids to have kids, creating or perpetuating cycles of poverty and lack of education.

It would be funny if it wasn't so goddamn sad.
two wrongs dont make a right. Will that be lefts excuse?
And yes, screw enviro laws, this is a car forum, guy...
Screw welfare, I know the poor better than you, i am the poor
Not this countries fault for split families. they're not being forced
last i check sex ed is still being thought. Useless in '23 thou....
omg, you're right, I saw a cop beating a guy by the projects the other day 'cause he'd keep pulling out :-0
Tuners are big bullies
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