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Old 11-09-2012, 03:52 PM   #486
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Wow can't believe I got denied for food stamps. What a sham! What kind of atheist muslim socialist is this guy? If I could find a job that only paid me $250 a week though, BOY I could get $107 a month! Man I could afford to eat like a king! Ooooo!!! If I had 4 kids at my current salary I could get $281 a month!!!! Holy Shit! Cat(wife) meet me in the bedroom! Oh wait. Cat you would have to quit your job taking care of veterans from a pointless war though too.

Look Obama didn't start food stamps, or disability, or social security, or the so called Obamaphone(dumbass people call it that because it's catchy but the program has been around for over 20 years and was started by the telecoms). The food stamp programs were expanded because of the high unemployment brought on by the financial collapse (i.e. unregulated greedy irresponsible bankers). Plus food stamps, guess what, every single penny gets spent, which does this thing called adding to the economy as opposed to sitting in someone's blind trust.

The economy is turning around whether you choose to believe it or not. Not everyone wants a handout, but want to be able to earn a living wage. The disparity between the wealthy and the poor has never been higher since the 20s. And when people say don't tax the rich because then they won't invest in companies, I say bullshit. They don't do it now and it won't make a difference if they have to pay a little more in the short term to get the country's debt under control. When there is $40 million out of state dollars spent on a fucking Senate race in Ohio someone obviously has their priorities all fucked up. CEO's have been fucking over the middle class for decades and have profited handily from it and still feel entitled. Mitt Romney represented this in every regard which is why he lost. And it's not like Obama pointed out something that wasn't true because all of the Republican primary candidates were saying the same thing.

And this healthcare debate is really fucking annoying. Everyone says "oh no their gonna make me get health insurance" Well guess what you also have to get car insurance and if you want to buy a house it's a pretty good idea to get some home insurance. I don't want to pay for your healthcare when you have treated your body like a sewer and then decide to go to the hospital. And god forbid you get some disease like leukemia, cancer, or become paralyzed for life and you don't have health insurance. Then I have to pay for your bills. And trust me your medical bills are a fuck-ton higher than someone food stamps.
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