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Old 06-28-2012, 06:24 PM   #202
Zilvia Member
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First off, its not a racism. You dont hear people all over the states yelling wetbacks or buisnesses with signs that say "no mexicanos". its the dynamics of the mexican race being apart of the united states.

they are hard working because thats all they are here to do. Work, reap the benefits and send the mulah back home or live as cheap as possible and save abunch of money. "hard working mexicans" dont really help anything besides jack the system up by not giving back to the economy as the econmoy gives to them. There are plenty that are doing it up, paying taxes and driving new cars and all that junk and thats great, speak english and be a mexican american, make money and do whatever but there is way more acting like a duck sitting on her eggs. I see it everyday and it pisses me off! they come in the my store trying to pay a bill and say "beeeel" oh you mean bill? beeel! whats your phone number? beeel! takes 10 minutes to do a 2 minute task, oh but they are hard working. Only way to get anywhere these days into rack up in college loan debt and be someones bitch for a few years. Go lay in a pool of real life shit for a little bit and educate yourself.
impossible is just an opinion
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