Thread: No more norcal.
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Old 05-18-2006, 05:37 PM   #74
Zilvia FREAK!
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Originally Posted by OMGWTFBBQ
^^ if thats the case..
he screwed ncda to make $$ for himself.. i say we boycott

Of course he did, all business men do is steal other peoples ideas when they have the opportunity and call it there own. I wouldn't be surprised if Kenny Shepard reopened Altamont in 2 weeks from now with his advertising and a $150 to drift on the track, and $10 to watch, sounds like he's getting greedy like Infineon Raceway. After all it's under new management at Altamont, and they just spent a couple hundred thousand to redo the pavement. There not stupid and they will open it up to us they just don't want the NCDA to have any control of there motorpark. The only way to do that officially is to discredit the NCDA, and that sucks ass.
Here is where the real complication lies, the NCDA didn't make a written contract agreement, but if the NCDA was to take it to court under verbal agreement, all I can say is a huge pay out to the NCDA no matter what the stipulation is. Kenny agreed the use of the track, renigged on his agreement, and is discrediting the NCDA that technically they were the violators on there complaint.....Thats not how the law works, Kenny is wrong and could be up shit creek if NCDA choses to take legal action.
Just think about it for a bit, what if the NCDA put thousands of dollars into advertising over this agreement.. NCDA would of gone broke, and it would of been Kenny's fault...
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