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Old 10-13-2005, 02:37 PM   #693
Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: Indiana
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I would just like to say that as far as I know, everything Darkstarsucksballs said is correct. Eric Dillon has only failed at business attempts. What's funny is that I don't beleive any of those businesses were even his, but the REAL owners just kind of let him tag along, because they knew he would invest money (provided by grandparents, I was told?) into their shops.
Jordan seems to be the real joke here. This kid hasn't had a real job....ever. He had no business affiliation with Works Yamaguchi, even though he sure loves to act like he does! My friends that frequented the shops regulary told me that he basically sat around, playing video games the whole time. And a drifter? He drove a Grand Am. Never had a car to drift in. Talk about frontin!
Enough of him...back to the point!
"Darkstar Developments" or whatever, is a JOKE! It's sad that you kiddies can't realize this on your own, when you waited what, 9 months for motors/refunds? Did any of you even do any reseach on them? I have an interesting link to post later, something available to the public, that you all should have looked at. There is no shop, never was a shop. They don't work, but rather feed off of other people. Neither Eric or Jordan have held real jobs, unless you consider 'shop owner' a real title. When you don't have a shop. Hmm.
I'll enlighten all of you a little more later.
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