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Old 03-31-2021, 04:40 PM   #11
Post Whore!
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It's more than 'car-flipping-101' now. Lying about mileage, rust, accidents, and all the other shit. If you consider 'flipping' making a profit on a vehicle you've purchased for less, then I guess I've done it as well. The difference? I'm forthcoming about all of the maintenance and repairs I've made to the car and I don't lie about the history that's there. To equate that to what these importers are doing is super disingenuous to ANYONE that's owned an SChassis and made a few hundred after keeping it for a while and addressing any issues.

If you consider buying a total piece of shit, covering up all problems, and flat-out lying to be 'car-flipping-101' then I don't know what to tell you, man.

*I'm sure you don't, but please don't make excuses for these dudes.

I also had them run the reports on three cars for me:

BN5 S15: Exactly as advertised by the dealer. Pleasantly surprised.

AJ4 S15: Purchased from some swanky, 'niche' car Japanese dealership (self-described) as a perfect car. They are kind of high on their own farts about how 'niche' they are...gimme a break. I've suspected a panel was resprayed on the passenger's side, and when I got the car it was misfiring and I had to replace the coilpacks. They said it was perfect, the auction sheet listed the suspected respray AND an issue with the motor. 8/10 cunts, but I've had no problems since.

1K4 S13: Bought from a dealership that has a less-than-stellar reputation here, but what they told me about the car and what was on the auction sheet add up: one owner, some repairs to the front end, original paint on the undamaged panels. I guess they're honest, at least.

My point: Out of 3 VINs this guy ran for me, only 1 Japanese seller was not 100% honest about the car. These sellers in the US could STILL ask for a reasonable mark-up for the efforts to import the car and just let the buyers know what issues are present, but they ask batshit crazy mark-ups and then lie. I, for one, would still pay a mark-up on something that was less than perfect if the seller just let me know what to watch out for.
The mark of a true sucka: 'RARE JDM' & 'OLD LOGO NISMO'
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